Esmeralda Alvarez, MA, AMFT

Associate Marriage & Family Therapist

Esmeralda Alvarez, MS, AMFT, brings a wealth of experience working with children since 2018, including those who struggle with behavioral difficulties and children from military families. If appropriate, she will work with your child’s school to create a behavior plan that will promote your child’s mental wellbeing as well as their academic success.

Her extensive background encompasses various roles within Kings County schools, reflecting her dedication to child and family welfare. Esmeralda holds an undergraduate degree in teaching and advanced her expertise by obtaining a Master’s in Counseling Psychology, with a specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy.

Her passion for nurturing growth in families is matched only by her love for animals and cherished moments with her own family. Esmeralda enjoys taking her dogs on walks, and exploring new places.

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